Back in 2005, Jan Vinzenz Krause – a bold young inventor of the Institute for Condom Consultancy in Germany – set about on a mission to find the perfect fitting condom.
It didn’t take Mr Krause long to come up with his first prototype for the ‘Sprühkondom’ (‘spray on condom’) consisting of a car-wash-like tube with internal jets which, once placed over the penis, sprayed fast-drying liquid latex from various directions to create a thin, moulded layer of latex protection.
The whole process took about 2-3 minutes however the result was a tailor fit condom.
The problem however ‘arose’ during market testing which showed men were not comfortable with overall device in terms of being sprayed. Mr Krause said some men were “a little bit afraid to use the tube” and would only prepared to try the device with their fingers. In addition, despite being fast-drying, 2-3 minutes was a long time to wait for spray on condoms which can either ruin the mood or result in abandonment of trying to apply a condom and unsafe sex.
The project was shortly thereafter discontinued however Mr Kraus wasn’t to be defeated and later went on to launch two further products. Firstly a line of smaller sized condoms, specifically designed for men who found it difficult to find well fitting condoms, and then later ultra-thin condom brand Mister Size offering condoms at 0.05 microns thin.